Embrace the Brokenness

By |Published On: November 6, 2017|Categories: 4-Minute Radio Program|

Welcome to Joni and Friends. Hi, I’m Joni with a story of brokenness.

But it’s also a story of healing and hope. And the story begins with a guy named Bob. This man was a banker, very successful in his business, active in the community, well respected in his neighborhood. Bob was the image of success, and he looked it, too. But when I met him, it was at Family Retreat where Bob was in a wheelchair. You see, recently he had developed multiple sclerosis and was learning to accept a whole new world of limitations. Not only did he have to accept his paralysis, he had to accept the loss of his job and, with that, the loss of his status in the community. He just could not do the many things he used to do. And at that point he was a broken man. But he told me; he said, “Joni, it’s that brokenness that brought me to Christ. I never would have been interested, I never would have listened to the Gospel were it not for my MS. So I’m not about to get resentful or angry; my condition is what drove me to the Lord and for that, I am truly grateful, so thankful!” As I looked at Bob, I could tell this man really meant it. The smile on his face was genuine, I just knew it.

In so many ways, Bob’s story is our story; isn’t it? Actually, it’s my story. Humans are naturally inclined to think we don’t need God. We’re proud; we’re resourceful, independent, self-reliant. It’s just the way we are. Sure, we need Jesus to get us into heaven; we need a Savior to save us from our sin when we first believed, but beyond that? We will manage our days on our own, thank you. Well, I don’t think so! It’s why I am so grateful for hands that don’t work and feet that don’t walk. I’m so thankful for my paralysis. Because like Bob, my condition underscores my desperate, urgent, moment-by-moment need of God. Because I didn’t just get saved when I “first believed;” no, I am in constant need of saving. Maybe my justification before Christ was a one-time thing, long ago, but my sanctification in Christ sure isn’t. It is a constant, day-in, day-out thing, and my limitations constantly remind me of that. There are so many things about me that require fixing, and I am not ashamed to admit it because that’s my access to the power of God. God never pours out His power on the proud and resourceful; no, rather, He only gives grace at our points of brokenness. God is in the business of breaking proud hearts, yet healing wounded hearts. John Piper puts it this way. He says:

“A Christian is not a person who believes in his head the teachings of the Bible. Satan believes in his head the teachings of the Bible! No, a Christian is a person who has died with Christ, whose stiff neck has been broken, whose brazen forehead has been shattered, whose stony heart has been crushed, whose pride has been slain, and whose life is now mastered by Jesus Christ.”

Now, I know that sounds a little drastic, but it’s supposed to sound drastic. When we come to Christ, we die to self, and that’s drastic. We don’t just surrender a little; we surrender all. And Bob has discovered that through his physical hardships, and thank God, I have as well. So, is your heart crushed? Has someone knocked you off your pedestal of pride? Have your dreams and hopes been broken? Then let those very things push you into the arms of your wonderful Savior who specializes in taking all the pieces of your shattered life and making a brand new – a brand new better – creation. Just ask Bob and he will tell you so.

© Joni and Friends

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