Don’s Mission Field

By |Published On: March 11, 2019|Categories: 4-Minute Radio Program|

Hi, I’m Joni Eareckson Tada and I sure wish you could meet Don Bania.

I mean this guy is so heavenly-minded sitting in his wheelchair. Don broke his neck over 45 years ago and he sits tall and straight in his chair with his arms resting on a lap board. He’s pretty handsome with his gray beard, clear blue eyes and very winning smile. I’m looking at a photo of him right now sitting in front of racks of used wheelchairs.

Don collects wheelchairs for us and in the photo he’s got this, this T-shirt on that says, “Got Wheelchairs?”…you know, like the old TV commercial: “Got Milk?”

Don knows he just can’t get up and go be a missionary in some foreign country. As it is in his wheelchair, it’s hard enough for him to get around his home town. But Don Bania still has a heart for disabled people like him overseas in poorer countries, people who are not able to sit up in a wheelchair like he can, people who spend most of their days in bed, or they crawl around in the dirt because they cannot afford a wheelchair, and so Don, with his quadriplegia, is doing something about it. Through his network of friends, he is linked up with the kids at Teen Challenge who help him collect used wheelchairs, then there’s a local trucking company that picks up those chairs free of charge, then his friends at a local auto and body shop provide free storage for those wheelchairs, and finally, Don’s local Wal*Mart transports those wheelchairs to the prisons nationwide where inmates restore them and make them like new. The thing is, Don Bania has assembled this entire team of ministries: people, friends, locals, churches, local businesses, and he’s doing it all from his wheelchair. He’s kind of like the ‘traffic control center,’ organizing everything from his home base on his home phone.

When I asked him about this incredible ministry, Don explained to me that he believes that he and his team have “a little part in eternal salvation of those who receive our wheelchairs. Plus, we’re also helping them restore their dignity and liberty, he says. It’s amazing, he tells me, that a wheelchair which is often seen as an object of hopelessness and sorrow, has become a symbol of mobility and hope as well as spreading the Gospel worldwide.”

You know I read that comment of Don’s and I just can’t wait for heaven on that wonderful day when he will finally rise up out of his wheelchair to receive his eternal prize. And by his side will be many hundreds like him from every tongue, tribe and nation, people who, like Don Bania, will have shed their disabilities and they will rise up on grateful, glorified legs to praise the Father for His gracious gift of salvation. Hallelujah, I can’t wait, because you know what, I’m one of them!

Well, maybe you’re not able to go on the mission field like Don Bania, maybe you too have significant limitations which keep you close to home. Well, believe me you can have a part in eternal salvation of needy people in other parts of the world. Like my friend Don, you, I believe you; can collect wheelchairs for Wheels for the World. We need people like you. I’ve posted a video on today that shows you exactly what it’s like to collect used but serviceable wheelchairs in your community. And if you have more questions, I’ve included a link where you can get more info. ‘Cause we need more Wheelchair Collection volunteers, as we call helpers like Don Bania. So, please consider serving with us, would you, by collecting chairs for needy, disabled people. Come on, get involved. Find out how you can get engaged at Again, that’s to become a Wheelchair Collection rep and collect wheelchairs for people all over the world. Thanks for listening to Joni and Friends.

© Joni and Friends

Become a Wheelchair Collection Volunteer

Volunteers collect used, but restorable, wheelchairs across the United States. If you have a heart to collect wheelchairs for people with disability around the world, we invite you to join our Wheelchair Collection Volunteer team!

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