Alexa Listens to My Voice

By |Published On: March 22, 2018|Categories: 4-Minute Radio Program|

Hi, I’m Joni Eareckson Tada with a really fun story.

Every day, I start off my morning with coffee, range of motion exercises, prayer, and a little music. I call out to my Amazon Echo, “Hey, play music,” and with just the sound of my voice, it listens to my command and begins playing a tune. And oh, how uplifting it is to hear the soft piano keys of Jim Brickman or the truth-filled lyrics of a classic hymn. This little “hands-free” gadget, this electronic device, has been a true gem in my home. I can ask it to give me the weather for the day. I can ask for the headlines. I can ask it a question about sports. It really knows my voice. And when I think of knowing someone’s voice …

It always brings to mind John chapter 10, verse 27, where Jesus says, “My sheep hear my voice.” Why do sheep need to hear God’s voice? Well, you have to consider what shepherding was like back in ancient times. In many modern-day countries, sheep are kept in fenced, protected areas where they graze on pastures. But in ancient Israel, sheep were not confined to a certain space. Grass was difficult to grow in Israel’s arid soil, so shepherds would often have to open the pens and walk long distances to find green pastures. And their sheep would have to follow them. If the sheep didn’t know who their shepherd was or didn’t recognize his voice, they’d risk getting lost, starving, or risk being eaten by a wolf. For a sheep, knowing his shepherd was a matter of life and death.

And it’s a matter of life and death for us, too. Just look at what Jesus says in John chapter 10. There Jesus says, referring to himself:

“He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out … He goes ahead of them, and his sheep follow him because they know his voice. But they will never follow a stranger; in fact, they will run away from him because they do not recognize a stranger’s voice.”

Oh my goodness, Jesus knows that if we do not follow Him, we will starve spiritually; we will become lost spiritually; and we will quickly be devoured by the world, the flesh and the devil.

Oh, that you and I as Christians were as instant in obedience as my Amazon Echo. If only we were as discerning in voice recognition as Siri on my iPhone. How is it that our electronic devices are so quick to listen, are instant in their response, and we are not? If only we were as quick to act upon the commands of our Lord and Savior. But instead, we toy with sin; we turn a deaf ear and before we know it, we’re no longer walking in the steps of our Good Shepherd. And that is a risky place to be.

I find myself constantly praying nowadays, and maybe you do, too. I pray as the psalmist did in Psalm 119, “Lord, I have strayed like a lost sheep. Seek your servant, would you.” Yes, Jesus, please come and find me. We want to listen to and obey the voice of you, my Good Shepherd. I don’t want to be slow; I do not want to be a stubborn sheep.

And I tell you what; the best way to sharpen your hearing is to listen to the words of Jesus. And some of His best words are in the Beatitudes. In fact, I want to give you a gift today called “The Beatitudes.” It explains in detail what Jesus meant that day He shared His Sermon on the Mount. It’s free and it’s yours for the asking today, so just visit and ask for “The Beatitudes.” And as you read it ask the Holy Spirit to help you to listen. Really listen to the voice of your Good Shepherd. And, hey, if you need more inspiration you just have to go to my blog today at Again, that’s my blog at

© Joni and Friends

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