Your Exact Sphere
You have a sphere of influence; that is, people whose thoughts and actions and decisions you help shape. And God wants you to influence them for good. Hi, I’m Joni Eareckson Tada, and Acts 17 says, “[God has] determined…the exact places where [we] should live. God did this so that men would seek him and… reach out for him and find him.” You know what this means, right? God put you where you live and work so that you would influence for Christ the people around you. Every day people are listening to you and observing. You are either nudging them closer to God or pushing them away. And we are to steward our influence well because our words and actions do have impact. And some day, according to Matthew chapter 12, we’ll have to give an account for the words we’ve spoken. So, today, help those around you to seek God, to reach out and to find him.