You Can Do All Things

By |Published On: November 9, 2019|Categories: 1-Minute Radio Program|

I’m Joni Eareckson Tada.  Once when I was speaking to a small group of teenagers with disabilities, a 14-year-old with cerebral palsy shifted in her wheelchair and said, “Joni, I’ve been quoting Philippians 4:13 for years, telling people that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.  But lately it’s hit me that, well — I can’t.  I can’t walk or run, I can’t drive.  I don’t get that verse.”  I grinned because I identified.

Like this teenager, there are plenty of activities in which I cannot participate.  But Philippians 4:13 isn’t an against-all-odds guarantee that you can physically do everything you want.  It’s a promise that you can do everything God asks you to with the help of Christ who gives you strength and power.  And that’s a big promise for anybody affected disability.  Find more encouragement for the tasks God has given you at

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