Where’s Your Hope?

By |Published On: November 3, 2020|Categories: 1-Minute Radio Program|
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Hi, I’m Joni Eareckson Tada, and I think my favorite book in the New Testament is Philippians. When I first studied it, I was fascinated to learn that Philippians is a thank you letter that Paul wrote from a prison cell. And that just may be why it’s such a favorite. Despite imprisonment and chains and confinement, the book is full of such hope. Paul can say thanks; he can have joy; he can even share his hope, from a dark, stinking prison cell. Now, I would not call my wheelchair an actual prison, but it does have its restrictions; and I often feel confined. And you may feel a lot like I do at times – you may have restrictions in your life. So, where is your hope? With nowhere else to turn, I just bet it’s Jesus. And it’s enough to make you want to write a thank you letter to God today, right? Well, if you need help finding words, take time to flip open to the book of Philippians and read the best thank you letter to the Lord Jesus ever written.

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