The Only Way?

By |Published On: January 7, 2020|Categories: 1-Minute Radio Program|

Hi, I’m Joni Eareckson Tada, and sometimes we can get uneasy, we can feel awkward when it comes to telling an unsaved friend that, “Jesus is the only way.” It’s that “one way” thing that makes the Gospel so offensive, so difficult to talk about. We’d prefer to say that there are lots of ways to heaven, but Jesus is the most direct way, the best way (or something like that). But it’s not true. Paul David Tripp says, “Why did God go to the history-shaping extent of sending His Son to earth … to suffer and die? Well, God went to extremes because there was no other way. We were not only hopelessly ensnared by sin and tragically guilty before God, but we were also completely unable to help ourselves.” And oh, friend, that is why Jesus is the only way. So, don’t feel awkward about it; it’s something to celebrate and tell others.

© Joni and Friends

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