The Devil’s Target
Hi, I’m Joni Eareckson Tada and every day is an Ephesians chapter 6 kind of day. What do I mean? Well, the Holy Spirit tells us in that chapter to put on the full armor of God. Not part of it; not some of it. But all of it. Why? Because as followers of Jesus, the enemy has placed a target on your back and mine. He hates us; he hates you. So, do not be lulled into a spiritual stupor, thinking that your enemy is more interested in others. If you name Christ as Lord, the devil has you in his crosshairs. And today, do not let him decimate your faith, wound you with discouragement, cripple you with temptation, or take you out of the battle. In short, put on the full armor and fight by trusting and obeying Jesus. For you, friend, are more than a conqueror and God is with you! So, get a fresh grip on your shield and sword. Winning victories for Christ today is your calling.