The Depth of God’s Love
It’s good when our love for the Lord overflows with words of praise… but unless our praise is proved and tested and tried, our words might sound a little hollow. Hi, I’m Joni Eareckson Tada reminding us that God tests us so that we will realize the actual depth of our love for Him. Psalm 66 says, “… For you, O God, tested us; you refined us like silver. You … laid burdens on our backs… Praise be to God who has not … withheld His love from me.” Friend, God already knows what’s in our hearts – but He wants us to know. And when we obey through the trial, our faith is refined. Obedience melts away pride, bitterness, and self-centeredness to reveal a pure and peaceful heart. Better yet, through that trial your words of praise will have depth and meaning. So next time you’re in a trial, remember He’s testing what’s in your heart. And may you come out of it shining like gold.
31 Days Toward Overcoming Adversity
Are you feeling a storm raging in your life? Joni takes you not out of the storm you feel you are in, but straight into the eye. Because there in the center is a calm, quiet place where confidence, strength, and even joy can be found.
Joni offers daily inspiration that shows you the remarkable in the midst of the impossible.