Stay Away From Sin

By |Published On: October 13, 2020|Categories: 1-Minute Radio Program|
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Hi, I’m Joni Eareckson Tada. My friend Peter Rosenberger, like most of us, has really struggled with sin in his life. He was telling me how deceiving, how beguiling the enticement of sin can be. In fact, Peter said, “Those of us with the painful experience of being immersed in the sewer of [immorality] know that one does not enter this cesspool from the high diving board. No, sin has a staircase. It starts with looking at the pool, then testing one’s toes, dipping in your feet, and before you realize it, you’re climbing the ladder and preparing for a swan dive.” Man, I love the way he describes the stages, for we never fall haplessly and helplessly into sin. No, rather, there are always steps we take. Perhaps small, at first, but those steps can easily become strides. So, heed the advice of 2 Timothy chapter 2; for sin does have a staircase, and you do not want on it!

© Joni and Friends

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