Share Your Rescue

By |Published On: August 7, 2020|Categories: 1-Minute Radio Program|

Hi, I’m Joni Eareckson Tada and I use a bent spoon to feed myself. When I need a new one, I take it to the hardware store so they can bend it for me on a vise in the backroom. The hardware guy named James, he started working with the new spoon, all the while I kept explaining why I needed his help. I told him about my broken neck and depression and how Jesus rescued me. When I finished sharing my story, he looked up and explained he was once a lifeguard and rescued a man like me who broke his neck diving in the waves. And so James told me, I want to read your bookI want to hear more about your rescue and how God saved you.” Man, I love the way the Joni book opens conversations with people; people whove been involved with pain and hardship. So, think about getting a copy and keeping it handy. ’Cause it’s a great way to share your story of rescue, as well. Just visit our store at joniandfriends.orgAgain, that’s 

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