I’m Joni Eareckson Tada. I’ll never forget years ago visiting Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris… there it was, over 1,000 years old standing so huge and… black. Back then, it was covered with hundreds of years of grime and smoke. But then, awhile back, the grand old cathedral went through a restoration – it took years, but the entire exterior was sandblasted. Now Notre Dame looks like a whole different cathedral. When I think of how sandblasting changed that cathedral in Paris, I can’t help but consider the way God sometimes sandblasts you and me with pain and problems. I mean the kind of hardship that goes below the surface and cuts us to the core. When painful times strip us bare, we can then be better pressed up against a holy God. We can be better bonded to the Savior. Yep, sandblasting can reveal something quite beautiful on the inside… the unspeakable splendor of Christ in you.