No Debt To Pay

By |Published On: August 8, 2020|Categories: 1-Minute Radio Program|

Hi, I’m Joni Eareckson Tada. My husband loves to give gifts, and believe me, I would not dream of opening one up – let’s say something expensive – I wouldn’t think of unwrapping it and saying, “Oh, Ken, I’m so overwhelmedhow am I ever going to pay you back? I owe you so much.” I wouldn’t do that because it would lessen the gift.  It would be a warped response to my husband’s love. And it’s the same way with Jesus. When Christ went to the cross for you, he did so, not expecting you to feel like you owe him something. John chapter 4 is the way to respond: just simply love him back. Your happy obedience and loving service is the most sincere and appropriate response to who Jesus is and what he has given to you. Jesus gave you a really expensive gift and there is absolutely nothing you can add.  All you can do – and all you must do – is live your life as one big thank you. I’m Joni Eareckson Tada. 

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