Monica’s Battle

By |Published On: November 9, 2019|Categories: 1-Minute Radio Program|

Hi, I’m Joni Eareckson Tada.  Having survived stage III malignancy back in 2010, and now undergoing a new battle with cancer, I have such respect for anyone who battles this disease.  Like Monica, a single woman in her early 40’s, who was diagnosed with advanced stage III cancer She was stunned and overwhelmed.  That’s when she heard me share notes from a journal wrote during my cancer battle. 

spoke about Ephesians and how, when there’s a trial, the whole angelic world stands on tip-toe to see whether or not we will trust the Lord.  Our example teaches unseen beings about the power of God to sustain people like me and Monica. With that, Monica realized that cancer doesn’t win if you die; it only wins if you fail to trust Christ.  And she was not about to allow cancer to win!  If you’re in a trial today, win it for the sake of testifying to God’s power to sustain.  

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