Lord, Help!

By |Published On: June 10, 2020|Categories: 1-Minute Radio Program|

I’m Joni Eareckson Tada. Sometimes you can find the most powerful truths in the simplest of stories. Take what happened in Luke chapter 4. It’s when Jesus went to visit the home of Simon Peter. Peter’s mother-in-law was suffering from a high fever and Peter’s friends simply asked Jesus to “help her.” That’s what the Bible says – just “help her.” Oh, what a beautiful and simple request. No fanfare, no digging deep into the matter, no long-winded fancy requests. They already knew Jesus had the power and compassion; they simply directed him to a sick woman and asked Him to help. And Jesus did just that! You know, sometimes it’s hard to know how to pray, but the heartbeat of Luke chapter 4 is a good model. When you’ve come to the end of your rope and have nowhere else to turn, it might be good to simply say, “Oh, Lord, help.” Put your focus on Him and leave it with Him. And you’ll find all the help you’ll need! 

© Joni and Friends

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