Kick Against The Goads

By |Published On: October 7, 2020|Categories: 1-Minute Radio Program|
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Hi, I’m Joni Eareckson Tada. There’s a verse in the book of Acts that’s a little hard to understand. Jesus says to people who resist him, “Do not kick against the goads.” Now, let me explain. When farmers had to deal with a stubborn ox under harness, they would use a goad – that is, a long sharp-ended stick to urge him forward. And if that ox kicked against the goad, he was only hurting himself. And if he kept kicking, he only hurt himself more. Now, that’s the pointless response of a brute animal. But we’re not animals. And yet when God uses something inconvenient or painful to urge us forward, well, you know, we dig in our heels and we don’t like it. We resist him. But resisting Christ will get you nowhere with God. In fact, you may be inviting more pain. So please, do not hurt yourself by beating your head against a wall. Move forward, knowing God is sovereign, and his purposes will prevail.

© Joni and Friends

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