Keep Your Baggage

By |Published On: October 21, 2020|Categories: 1-Minute Radio Program|
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Hi, I’m Joni Eareckson Tada. The last time I was at the airport luggage carousel, I wondered what would happen if I swapped my old suitcase for a nicer looking bag. Well, inside I might find clothes that are elegant, but not my size, or make-up that doesn’t match my skin tone. I might even choose luggage that belonged to a man! The bag I took might look better on the outside, but odds are the stuff inside would not be a good match. Sometimes, when you experience life’s challenges, it’s tempting to imagine that the lives of others are better. But just as the attraction of that new piece of luggage is totally superficial, so is our desire to live in someone else’s skin. The truth is, when you start unpacking your own problems, God equips you to grow through your struggles; his plan and purpose is suited entirely to you. In the end I kept my bag, and, friend, I suggest you do the same.

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