Keep Them Close

By |Published On: June 28, 2019|Categories: 1-Minute Radio Program|
Close up of Autumn leaves on a tree with little acorns.

I’m Joni Eareckson Tada, and the other day I was feeling a little low, and so I called my friend Vicky. Because shealso in a wheelchair, and she understands my low points, and she always seems to be able to direct my thoughts back to God. Before long on the phone we were reminding each other of favorite Scriptures and recounting hard times when the Lord saw us throughAnd what do you know; we both hung up feeling uplifted. You know, something keeps drawing me to Vicky… she’s a walking testimony of I Peter chapter 4 verse 19 where it says, “ those who suffer according to God’s will can safely commit their souls to their faithful Creator, and go on doing all the good they can.” To know that our pains and problems are a part of God’s loving will means there’s purpose to it all! So, keep those people who do you good, who choose God’s will… keep them very close. Such a friend will do you more good than you realize.

Pain and Providence

Pain and chronic illness can erode your joy like acid, and can lead you to question God and his power. Join Joni in taking a close look at what the Bible says about pain and the sovereign providence of God.

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