Jesus’ Example

By |Published On: February 16, 2020|Categories: 1-Minute Radio Program|

Hi, I’m Joni Eareckson Tada, and when I look at the way Jesus suffered, it is so winsome, so attractive and compellingBecause He never made it about HimselfI mean, even when He was carrying the cross up the road to Calvary, beaten and weighed down, He said to the women following Him, “Do not weep for me. And that’s not allThen Jesus asked God to forgive the same soldiers who nailed spikes into His hands and feetThe lesson here? All the time Jesus was suffering, He thought of othersHe was always more concerned for others than for HimselfAnd oh, friend, if we would but do the same when we sufferIt would make our testimony so much more winsomeso much more attractive and compellingSo, if you are in pain today, can you think of others’ needs before your own? If you can, you’ll be more like Jesus Christ than you realize. I’m Joni Eareckson Tada.

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