It’s Boot Camp

Hi, I’m Joni Eareckson Tada. When I was about 12, I went to a friend’s church. And I don’t remember much, but I sure left feeling good about myself. God liked me just the way I was. Well! Years later, I realized that, yes, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. But from the very instant we say yes to Jesus, things change. When we come to Christ, we are like a kid fresh out of high school signing up for the military. But then, once saved, we immediately get sent to Boot Camp called sanctification. You see, when you first believed, God may have accepted you with all your bumps and bruises, but once saved, He tells you in 2 Thessalonians to “sanctify yourself” – that is, start proving with your life what you actually confess. Leave behind your old habits and build new ones around God’s Word. Be transformed. Do not be like you once were. Sanctify yourself today and become like Jesus.
© Joni and Friends
Have You Felt Like Giving Up Lately?
The title says it all – everyone goes through times of discouragement, even despair. This book leads you toward hope in even the hardest of circumstances. Here’s step-by-step guidance on giving your struggle to God and reclaiming your joy.