Hope Peacock

By |Published On: January 28, 2019|Categories: 1-Minute Radio Program|

Hi, I’m Joni, with Joni and Friends. The Peacock family had recently planted a church in Calgary, Canada, when their ope and her family nine-year-old daughter, Hope went into cardiac arrest and suffered multiple strokes. The doctors told her parents she would never speak, walk, or eat on her own. Now the Peacock family had no support in their community to help them with their disabled child; they had to totally rely on their new church family. Well, this church rallied around them, they prayed, prepared meals, and helped care for Hope. And, after seeing the response from the church, a hospital nurse said that if she were going to attend a church, she would go to one like theirs.   

What a witness! That little church lives out Galatians 6 that says, “Let us do good to all people – especially those in the household of faith.” Rally your church family and see how God uses you to shake a community.

Community: A Key to Hope for Families Living with Disability

Now, 20 years into living with disability, Leisa shares the importance of HOPE: Having Other People Engaged. She relates her experience of accepting the reality of disability in her family and learning to embrace community, especially when life gets hard.

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