His Vision, Our Vision

By |Published On: September 5, 2019|Categories: 1-Minute Radio Program|
Close up of an old-timey telescope overlooking a major city.

Hi, I’m Joni Eareckson Tada. The other day, I was listening to a Christian speaker telling his listeners how to regain vision for their lives. He said, “Are you depressed? Are you discouraged? Well, listen to your heart’s desire. Have you always wanted to remodel your kitchen? Purchase a vacation home? Climb Mount Denali? Then let that be your vision. Go for it. You’ll get out of your depression before no time!” Really? That’s a vision for God’s people? Oh, friend, don’t let your vision be focused on comfort, security, health or your happiness. God’s vision is so very different. This world is not supposed to be a place of fulfillment for God’s people, but a place where we partner with the Holy Spirit in rescuing sinners. Regain that original vision that led you to Jesus. Tell people about saving life in Jesus Christ, because that’s God’s vision for the world. So, please, today – make it your own.

© Joni and Friends

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