His Grace that Sustains
Hi, I’m Joni Eareckson Tada. When tragedy strikes, Christians are often willing to thank God in the midst of problems – we thank him for His grace that sustains or comfort that consoles – but we draw a line when it comes to the problem itself. We tend to segregate God from the suffering he allows. But everything he allows in your life is for good. Ephesians chapter 5 says, “Sing… to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything...” Did you hear that? God asks us to give thanks for everything. Don’t think I could have done that when I was first paralyzed; but now, over time, I’ve come to see how this paralysis God allowed is ultimately for my good. Yes, I understand it’s hard to hold onto gratitude when you’re looking into the jaws of mind-bending pain. But start small by giving thanks to Him in your trial… and over time, you’ll see the joy of giving thanks for it.
A Place of Healing
“If God can heal me, why won’t He?” How do we navigate that agonizing distance between such a magnificent yes and such a heartbreaking no? Here, Joni Eareckson Tada takes you with her on an intimate journey through foundational questions about healing, suffering, pain, and hope.