His Grace that Sustains

By |Published On: June 9, 2019|Categories: 1-Minute Radio Program|
The view of large mountains from the shore with tide pools, the mountains are in the midst of a large body of water, the peaks are covered in snow.

Hi, I’m Joni Eareckson Tada. When tragedy strikes, Christians are often willing to thank God in the midst of problems  we thank him for His grace that sustains or comfort that consoles – but we draw a line when it comes to the problem itself. We tend to segregate God from the suffering he allows. But everything he allows in your life is for good. Ephesians chapter 5 says, “Sing… to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything...” Did you hear that? God asks us to give thanks for everything. Don’t think I could have done that when I was first paralyzed; but now, over time, I’ve come to see how this paralysis God allowed is ultimately for my good. Yes, I understand it’s hard to hold onto gratitude when you’re looking into the jaws of mind-bending pain. But start small by giving thanks to Him in your trial… and over time, you’ll see the joy of giving thanks for it.

A Place of Healing

“If God can heal me, why won’t He?” How do we navigate that agonizing distance between such a magnificent yes and such a heartbreaking no? Here, Joni Eareckson Tada takes you with her on an intimate journey through foundational questions about healing, suffering, pain, and hope.

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