Heel Cord Stretches

By |Published On: April 10, 2020|Categories: 1-Minute Radio Program|

Hi, I’m Joni Eareckson Tada, and every morning my get-up girl exercises my limbs before I get out of bed. The routine includes stretching my heel cords, that is, my Achilles tendons. And as she does this, I always laugh, “Stretch ’em good; you never know if I’ll be walking today and I’m gonna need those heel cords to do their thing!” I say it jokingly, but down deep, I always confess to the Lord, “Jesus, if you wanted to heal me today, I have faith enough for you to do whatever you want.”

Now, for me, a physical healing would be great, but it’s far more important to see how Christ has used my wheelchair to advance His Gospel among disabled people around the world. That is a lot more exciting than walking; at least, to me.

Yet, I never want to limit God. I never want to think that something is too impossible for Him. Which is why tomorrow morning, guess what? We will stretch my heel cords.

© Joni and Friends

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