Grazina in Poland

By |Published On: November 9, 2019|Categories: 1-Minute Radio Program|

I’m Joni Eareckson Tada.  On a recent Wheels for the World outreach in Poland, we met Grazina who hadn’t been out of her room in seven years.  She wasn’t able to walk and didn’t have a wheelchair and so she languished by her window, watching the world go by.  A friend from a Polish church had been witnessing to her and brought Grazina to our wheelchair distribution.  Grazina heard about Jesus, received the Joni book in Polish, and got properly fitted to a new wheelchair.  She couldn’t believe it was free… but that was our chance to tell her that salvation is no different.  God’s love is free, too.  She only needs to receive the Lord Jesus just as she received that chair.  Well, Grazina is now going to church with her friend, so please pray for her and others that we meet at wheelchair distributions this month.  Visit, join our prayer team, and ask God to open hearts to Him.

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