Generational Hopelessness
Hi, I’m Joni Eareckson Tada, and I’ve always admired the generation that came through World War II. They call it the Greatest Generation – men and women during the 40s sacrificed so much for the cause of peace. That era came to mind when I recently read that Generation Z – that is, today’s young people ranging from pre-teens to the early 20s – they are described as the most lonely and hopeless, with the highest rate of suicide and drug misuse than any generation before it. Oh, friend, it tells me that our young people need powerful prayer. Psalm 119 says that God’s faithfulness extends to all generations. So, please join me in praying that God, in His great mercy, will reach into the hearts of young people today. And if you know someone in that age bracket, show them that Generation Z can be great, as well. Let’s pray they put their hope in the blessed hope, our Lord Jesus Christ.
© Joni and Friends
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