Find Your Courage
Hi, I’m Joni Eareckson Tada. They say that in war, in a brutal battle against a strong enemy, nothing can be more frightening– or more stirring to the soul – than to hear a commanding officer shout, “Move to the front!” At once, the soldier is gripped with fear. But if he pushes aside fear and rallies his senses, he’ll find his courage. He will obey his commander and run to where the fighting is most fierce. That is the perfect illustration of Joshua 1:9 where the Captain of the Lord’s army says to you, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous … for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Oh, friend, when facing a difficult or a demanding trial, those words can strike either fear in your heart, or stir your soul to take action. Courageous action. Is the enemy threatening you today? Then rally your senses, friend. Find your courage and move to the front.
© Joni and Friends
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