Fan The Flame

By |Published On: January 23, 2020|Categories: 1-Minute Radio Program|

Hi, I’m Joni Eareckson Tada, and the Spirit of Jesus keeps whispering one burning phrase that’s red-hot in my heart. He says, “Fan the flames within you, Joni!” Why? Because the days are evil and time is short. So I am pouring fuel on my Gospel-giving fire this year, and I want you to join me! ʼCause I cannot sit idly by knowing that disabled people are facing only worse suffering if they pass into an eternity without Jesus Christ. It’s why Jesus tells us in Luke 14 to go out and find the disabled, the blind and the lame and compel them to come into His Kingdom. Oh, friend, help us lift curtains hiding disabled people in back bedrooms. Let’s beat the bushes along the highways and hedges. At Joni and Friends, we’re accelerating the Gospel among the disabled this year, and I need you to fan the flame within you as you become a Gospel-giver as never before! Sign up and serve with us at

© Joni and Friends

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At Family Retreat, families are cared for, encouraged, and rejuvenated in an accessible camp environment. The success of our Family Retreats depends largely on having enough “helping hands” to serve the special needs families who attend, and we need your help!

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