Eagerly Share the Gospel
Hi, I’m Joni Eareckson Tada, and I sure look forward to the coming of the Lord. Like Philippians says, “I wait eagerly for my Savior from heaven….” I like that word, eagerly! Oh, what a glorious Day that’ll be when Satan will be crushed, suffering will vanish, God’s good name will be vindicated, Christ will be crowned, and it’ll be a new heaven and a new earth. But wait; hold on! There are a lot of people I know who have yet to hear about salvation in Christ – so, maybe I don’t want Jesus to come back too soon! I’m glad God is waiting to send Him back until that last soul is rescued into the kingdom. And, friend, that means you and I have a lot of work to do before the coming of the Lord.
So, join me today in being bold for Christ by giving the one and only message that’ll rescue people from hell. Eagerly awaiting a Savior? Sure we are. But also, let’s eagerly share the Gospel with a lost world.