Don’t Settle
Hi, I’m Joni Eareckson Tada, and when I was on my feet back in high school, I wanted to try out for my field hockey team. So, every day after school, I’d run home to get in shape. Now, there were two routes I could choose, one that was easy along Gwynn Oak Drive, and the other, a dirt path up a steep hill. Oh, my legs would burn on that hill. So on most afternoons I took the easy route. I was serious about working out, but, uh, not that serious. And, you know, it can be the same with my spiritual life. Too many times I’m satisfied with just a little repentance … just a little charity … just a little holiness. I say I want to be serious about growing in Christ, but the truth is, I don’t choose the steep and rugged path. And I think that’s why God often chooses it for me! So take it from me, the one whose life in this wheelchair is one, long spiritual climb. Don’t settle for just a little bit of the Spirit. Get training on that steep hill.
31 Days Toward Passionate Faith
You have been called from death to life, from doubt to faith, from apathy to passion! Joni shares daily inspiration to guide you on your own life’s journey.