Choosing Suffering?
Hi, I’m Joni Eareckson Tada. And, you know, none of us willingly invites suffering into our lives. It’s not in our nature to choose affliction. Nobody says, “Oh, yes, I want cancer, or I want quadriplegia, or I choose chronic pain because I just bet it’ll do good for my soul.” Uh, uh, no. Even the best Christian is not wired that way. But Jesus Christ is quite different. He did willingly invite suffering; He chose affliction; He entered stormy seasons willingly (and some even say gladly), so that we would be rescued from all of our storms. As Jon Bloom says, “[Jesus’] storm crushed Him, so that our storms would become redemptive for us.” So, don’t think you have to choose suffering. Jesus has already done that for you. Just let God, in His providence, choose those hard seasons for you. And know that when you’re in the storm, Christ is with you. He will lead you through that valley of your storm and your shadow of suffering.
© Joni and Friends
We Are Celebrating Joni!
Every birthday for Joni is a miracle milestone. This year she is looking for 70 friends, or better yet 700 friends, to donate $70 dollars each to her 70th birthday campaign! Joni is raising funds so Joni and Friends can serve more people living with disabilities worldwide!