Choose Your Attitude
Hi, I’m Joni Eareckson Tada. Every day, we choose what attitude we’re going to wear. It may not always be easy to choose an attitude of gratitude, but think about the story of Joseph. He had every reason to have a rotten attitude. His jealous brothers sold him into slavery; then he got thrown into prison for doing the right thing. But what attitude did he choose? While in jail, he focused on becoming a model prisoner. But what did that get him? He was forgotten by the very ones who should have remembered his model of behavior. Overall, God seemed less concerned with Joseph’s plight and more concerned with his attitude. All those hardships – and the discipline that resulted – were needed to mold Joseph for a key role: the day he would elevate to the right hand of Pharaoh. So, as God molds you today for his service, what attitude are you choosing? I hope it’s an attitude of gratitude. I’m Joni Eareckson Tada.
© Joni and Friends
Finding God in Hidden Places
Joni invites you to join her as she explores the presence of a holy God in hidden places.
Words of encouragement, comfort, and insight leave the soul satisfied and longing to be closer to a loving Father, who often shows up when least expected.