Celebrate Your Weakness

By |Published On: September 8, 2019|Categories: 1-Minute Radio Program|
Close up on a desert valley in between the rocks with bushes and cliffs peaking out on the other end.

Hi, I’m Joni Eareckson Tada. And my friend Christine shared that she feels awkward and funny around people with disabilities. She’s always been uncomfortable when approaching someone in a wheelchair, or someone who has cerebral palsy. So, she asked for my advice; how could she change it? What did I tell her? Well, I said, “Christine, start believing what God’s Word says about your own need and your own weakness. Then you can start owning your limitations; you can start celebrating them, delighting in them, getting to know God in your challenges. That alone will transform your view of people who live with the same, who live with visible weaknesses!” And you  know what? She did just that. The Word of God and what it says about weakness is a great place to start when you want to understand people with disabilities. So, discover how you can own your weakness at joniandfriends.org. It’s where we are celebrating finding God in every limitation.

© Joni and Friends

Disability and the Gospel

Learn how God uses our brokenness to display His grace. As a parent of a disabled child, Beates encourages believers and churches alike to embrace those who appear more physically and visually broken, and to help bring vision and hope to those who need it most.

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