Better Breathing
Hi, I’m Joni Eareckson Tada, and last year I was diagnosed with pulmonary hypertension. So, in order to help me breathe better, the doctors put me on a BiPAP machine. Every night Ken puts this little mask over my nose to force oxygen into my lungs. And you know what? I now awake almost every morning feeling so energized, like I want to go jogging or something! The strange thing is, before my diagnosis, I never realized what I was missing. I mean, sure, I could breathe, but I was just plugging along, not realizing how much I was missing out because of my shallow breathing.
You know, as Christians, we’re so much like that. We plug along, barely inhaling the breath of life that we have in Jesus Christ. We have no idea how shallow our faith is. So, friend, today, draw deeply from the Breath of Life, your Savior. And live your spiritual life with fresh energy.