Be Rope Holders

By |Published On: January 12, 2020|Categories: 1-Minute Radio Program|

Hi, I’m Joni Eareckson Tada. After I severed my spinal cord, my depression felt like a narrow, dark vein plummeting deep into an unexplored mine. Every shaft I tried to climb up out of ended nowhere. I struggled to keep breathing, keep living, keep moving forward. In that pit of depression, I needed someone to throw me a rope and hang on to me. And my friend Betsy was that rope holder. Betsy sat next to my hospital bed and she’d read to me. Sometimes I was interested and listened; but mostly, I wasn’t. I slept. Thirty minutes later I would wake up, and Betsy was still there. She was a powerful example of this 1 Thessalonians paraphrase, which says, “Build up hope so that you’ll all be together in this, no one left out, and no one left behind.” Oh, friend listening, do you know someone sinking into depression? Well, hold onto their rope. Don’t let them go. Let them borrow your faith, your courage, and your love.

© Joni and Friends

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