A Worthy Endeavor
Hi, I’m Joni Eareckson Tada, and I wonder…do you get bored as a Christian? Do you find yourself searching for some significant ministry to which you can give yourself? Like, “Where is my worthy and noble calling? Shouldn’t I be doing something grand for the kingdom?!” Well, you already have an incredibly noble and worthy calling, right this minute! God is working to transform in a powerful way, everyone and everything around you, and he wants you to be the change agent. It’s the worthy endeavor of winning people to Christ. So, this means that you do not have your private little life that belongs only to you. You’ve been bought with the blood of Jesus, and his purpose for you is to tell your friends and neighbors about his love. Oh, friend, that is about as worthy a calling as you could get – no matter what your job; no matter how large or small your family; no matter where you live. And there’s nothing boring about your calling.