A Refreshing Gift

By |Published On: December 6, 2019|Categories: 1-Minute Radio Program|
A Christmas gift on a wooden table, wrapped with shiny paper and tree branches attached with ribbon.

Hi, I’m Joni Eareckson Tada, and I’ll never forget the time I was autographing books at a bookstore party. Because I hold a pen between my teeth, I cannot sign my name quickly, so the line kept getting longer. After a while, my jaw began to ache, and I was getting tired. That’s when, about three quarters of the way through the line, the 75th person reached out and took the pen from my mouth. Then he took a little bottle of mint-flavored Binaca and sprayed the end-tip of my pen, you know, the part I’d been chewing on. When I put it back in my mouth, it was so refreshing. What a creative way for that nice guy to encourage me! And I have never forgotten it. Psalm 68:9 says that God gives gifts that refresh His people. So, put your creativity to work and find a very unusual and personal way to bring heart-refreshing encouragement to a Christian friend. I guarantee you; they will never forget it.

© Joni and Friends

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