A New Perspective

By |Published On: February 17, 2020|Categories: 1-Minute Radio Program|

Hi, I’m Joni Eareckson TadaAround the world, tens of thousands of people can’t get out of bed for lack of a wheelchairAnd I understand their plight; in a way, I’ve been thereYou know my story, that awful dive into shallow water in the summer of 1967I spent almost a year in the hospital lying on a Stryker frameThe depression, the suicidal despair felt so suffocatingI ended up weighing under 100 pounds; pretty thin for someone who’s 5 foot 7And being so thin and lying flat all the time, my boney points broke down into pressure soresYet, I didn’t want to get better if it meant living in a wheelchairBut guess what? When time came for me to try sitting up in a wheelchair months later, my perspective had changed; I had a whole new life! I loved sitting up in a chair. If you’d like to help provide wheelchairs to people in need around the world, then please visit joniandfriends.org to learn more.

© Joni and Friends


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