A Lesson From Psalm 36

By |Published On: October 23, 2019|Categories: 1-Minute Radio Program|
A dark knit rug laying on top of a lighter knit rug.

Hi, I’m Joni Eareckson Tada, and the other day I took my rug to be washed and repairedIt was starting to fray where my wheelchair has almost worn it threadbareWhen I unrolled my rug at the store, the dealer examined it and quoted me a price I thought was too highAnd I did not like his take-it-or-leave-it attitude, but I went with itYet, that night as I lay in bed, I imagined going back to the store and not liking the repair job they would doIn my head, I started arguing with the dealerI felt myself getting angrier and finally I said in my head: “And I will never recommend your store again!” All this, and I hadn’t even seen the rug! That’s when the Holy Spirit whispered Psalm 36: “On their beds they plot evil; they commit themselves to a sinful course.” Oh, my goodness! That verse isn’t talking about drug dealers or embezzlers. Uh, uh; it was talking about meSo, let’s remember – when God’s Word speaks, it’s rarely about those wicked others, and it’s usually about us.

© Joni and Friends

Joni is Donating Her Birthday!

This year marks a miracle milestone for Joni. She is looking for 70 friends, or better yet 700 friends, to donate $70 dollars each to her 70th birthday campaign! Joni is raising funds so that Joni and Friends can serve more people living with disabilities worldwide!


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