A Lesson From King Hezekiah

By |Published On: February 18, 2020|Categories: 1-Minute Radio Program|

 Hi, I’m Joni Eareckson Tada, and I am always fascinated with Hezekiah, one of Judah’s most righteous kingsBut listen to this puzzling verse about him. 2 Chronicles says, “After all that Hezekiah had so faithfully done, the king of Assyria came and invaded Judah.” Wait. What? Hezekiah had faithfully done so much, purifying the templedoing what was right before the Lord. Yet still, Judah was invaded; spelling even more trouble for Hezekiah! But you know, it’s the same way for us ChristiansWe can do everything right, but still, God may send troubleSo, let’s respond with courage and faith in God, just like Hezekiah. For as the Assyrians were approachinghe said, “Be strong and courageous … with us is the Lord to help fight our battles.” Yep, be like Hezekiah. Don’t lose faith. Take heart. For the Lord will help you and He will fight your battles.

© Joni and Friends


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