A Bigger Mission

By |Published On: February 19, 2020|Categories: 1-Minute Radio Program|

I’m Joni Eareckson Tada, and my husband’s got the heart of an evangelistBack when I was undergoing cancer treatment, Ken considered it a chance to talk about ChristWhat could have been a bad experience, turned instead into a mini-mission. Whenever we were in the hospitalKen would write down names and email addresses of technicians, head nurses, doctors. Now, sure, it was helpful to have their contact info, but all those names became a prayer list, and we continue to pray for those people, even now, writing notes with updates and scripturesAll of it took the focus off my treatment and placed it, instead, on others’ need for salvationAnd that is a lesson for you the next time you have a scary medical diagnosisTurn it into an opportunity to advance Christ’s kingdomIt’s a way of doing everything – even your medical treatment – to the glory of God! I’m Joni Eareckson Tada.

© Joni and Friends


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