July 12 – Monday Morning Thoughts from Joni

By |Published On: July 12, 2010|Categories: Cancer Updates, Joni's Posts|

I think about Ephesians 3:10 a lot these days — like this past weekend when I was alone in the backyard with the breeze and birds… “It’s now God’s purpose that, through the church, his manifold wisdom should be made known to the powers and principalities in the heavenly realms.” Translation? With this cancer, my life is on display; yes, before family and friends, but mostly, before millions of unseen beings who are intensely interested to see how I’ll respond. Which is why when I am alone (like in the backyard), you’ll find me quoting out loud The Apostles Creed, or reciting verses long-memorized, or singing (or speaking) as many stanzas of hymns that I can remember. I have to do this — it’s the only way (the best way) to keep this cancer in perspective. Ken and I are in a cosmic battle and we are heaven-bent on making certain the unseen world (in front of which we are all on display) learns a great thing or two about our great God.

This isn’t to say I won’t have doubts or fears. They are coming, as sure as the hardships of chemotherapy are coming. But this past weekend — and even today, my first day in the office of Joni and Friends — this is the time to marshal my sensibilities, corral any wayward thoughts, and commit to soldiering forward with the Captain of Our Salvation in the lead. (I’m smiling now, remembering that yesterday, as we pulled away from the house to drive to church, Judy started off singing “Onward Christian Soldiers,” to which we all chimed in)! Please continue to lift up before the Lord my appointments on Tuesday with my surgeon and my medical oncologist — wisdom, clear facts, protection, clarity of mind, understanding, and the insight to make good decisions. Onward and upward and thank you so for remembering me in your prayers!

–Joni Eareckson Tada