Andrew’s Story

By |Published On: June 7, 2018|Categories: 4-Minute Radio Program|

Hi, I’m Joni Eareckson Tada, and it’s a beautiful day!

Really, it IS a beautiful day here at Joni and Friends. I’m in the studio with my friend and co-worker, Shauna Amick. How are you today, Shauna?

SHAUNA: I’m fantastic, Joni. How are you?

JONI: Doin’ great. And you know what? Coming into the office this morning, I was so blessed (I don’t know if you heard them) but as I came through the door I could hear the birds singing up in the tree. It sounded like they were singing praises to God. It was as though they just couldn’t contain themselves – sweet, sweet little bird notes. It was beautiful.

SHAUNA: Oh, my goodness. Yes Joni, there is something special in the air this morning and you know, I almost wonder if those birds were singing Psalm 150, “Let everything that has breath praise the Lord!”

JONI: Absolutely!

SHAUNA: And you know, every time I think of Psalm 150, I think of my friend Andrew, who I met at Family Retreat many years ago. Andrew had a severe case of cerebral palsy; he used a power wheelchair to get around. He really couldn’t use his body much. He could talk a little bit, but those who were listening to him had a very hard time understanding him. I knew that was frustrating for Andrew. Over time Andrew’s disability became more and more of a challenge, and he was able to control less and less of his body. But he never let his suffering, or his disability get in the way of praising the Lord. In fact, during Talent Night at Family Retreat Andrew had the chance every time to lead worship. And you know how he did that?

JONI: Tell me

SHAUNA: Well you know that little musical instrument the triangle?

JONI: Yes, I had one of those in elementary school – a little “dingy, dingy, dingy” thing.

SHAUNA: Exactly. Well somebody would hold that up for Andrew and put the wand to the triangle in between the toes of his right foot.

JONI: Wait a minute. I have to imagine this. So, he is in his wheelchair and Andrew has his foot up and somebody puts the little wand in between his toes?

SHAUNA: You got it! His right foot was the only part of his body he had total control over and so that is where the wand went. And then somebody would hold the triangle nearby and Andrew would play the musical instrument, the triangle, and lead worship for all of us. You know, we have heard about praising the Lord with our mouths, but Andrew taught us you can praise the Lord with your toes.

JONI: I love that!

SHAUNA: He also taught us that no matter what we are suffering, no matter what we are going through, there is always a reason to praise God. And you know, Joni, as the mom of a child with severe disabilities myself, I always needed to hear that.

JONI: Well, what happened to Andrew?

SHAUNA: When Andrew was just ten years old, the Lord decided to take him home, and that was a few years ago now, but there is not a day that goes by that I don’t think about my friend, Andrew, and the beautiful way he taught me there is always a reason to praise our Lord, and I still can’t hear or even think about Psalm 150 without picturing Andrew leading worship. You know, Psalm 150 says, “Praise him for his mighty works, praise his unequaled greatness! Praise him with a blast of the ram’s horn, praise him with the harp and [think it could even say] praise him with the triangle!”

JONI: I love that! Let everything that has breath praise the Lord! Shauna, do you happen to have a photo of Andrew that we could all see?

SHAUNA: I do, Joni. I have a great picture of Andrew and I would be so happy to share that with you and you make me think of just how important Family Retreat really is, so friend, if you are checking us out to see that picture of Andrew, I hope you will check out the opportunities you might have to serve at Family Retreat, because who knows, you could hold the triangle for somebody just like Andrew.

JONI: I love it and you could find out all the details about how you can serve at Family Retreat just visiting us at     

© Joni and Friends

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